Saturday, April 4, 2020

What Leather Tanning Chemistry is Used?

What Leather Tanning Chemistry is Used?The process of leather tanning is actually an extremely simple one, and all that is needed for it to work is some leather dye and a leather tanning chemistry. However, when most people are considering a leather tanning chemistry, they think about what tanning chemicals are used and what the tanning process will do to the leather, so that they can know how the finished product will look.Leather tanning chemistry is really not much more than a chemical makeup, which includes things like ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and various other solvents. Ammonia, for example, is a very basic, toxic chemical that breaks down the amino acids in the leather, making them unusable for any purpose. It is most often used for cleaning leather and making it soft and supple, but many people make the mistake of thinking that it also helps make the leather more appealing.In actuality, the amino acids which make up the collagen in the leather actually weaken as it is oxidiz ed in sunlight. This causes the collagen fibers to break down, and the leather fades to a dull gray or brown. This reaction in the skin makes it easier for this chemical to react with other molecules in the leather and form toxic compounds.If this happens, leather companies cannot afford to use ammonia. They therefore will use a different kind of tanning chemistry, called a dye that contains only the amino acids that are commonly found in the leather itself. The result is a leather tan that looks more like real leather, without the problems associated with ammonia.While this does work well in leather tanning, it is important to remember that if you are allergic to ammonia, the tanning chemistry that is used for that purpose will also make your skin dry out. Therefore, it is important to go for leather tanning chemistry that is made for a leather tan and that has a high level of alkaline content.While leather dye is usually bought as a gallon at a time, there are more efficient ways to use these compounds, such as cotton, rayon, or yarn. With these types of tanning chemicals, the finished product will be a lighter shade of brown, and that's the way it should be.Leather tanning chemistry is a method that need to be implemented properly, and leather manufacturers that don't understand the problems with ammonia must remember that using it with high alkaline content will increase the effect on the leather. So, instead of using ammonia, you should use a tanning chemistry that uses only amino acids that are present in the leather itself.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The 5 Fastest Growing Careers for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / The 5 Fastest Growing Careers for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer The 5 Fastest Growing Careers for Introverts As an introvert, finding the right career can be a challenge. Matching your skillset with your personality type can be especially tough. Finding the right balance is what every introvert is looking for. When considering beginning your career or looking for a career change, a good place to start might be to look at what careers fit well with introverted personality types. Jobs that have a lot of independent work with minimal large team projects are usually a fit. With that in mind, the next step is to look at which introvert-friendly careers are on the rise. Statistician The fastest growing job field for introverts are statisticians. The field is projected to experience a 33 percent growth rate between 2016 and 2026, significantly higher than average. The statistician profession is one that is very attractive to introverts, in that the job involves a lot of independent research and creative problem-solving. Some of the duties that a statistician can expect to carry out include: Develop mathematical rules, theories, and concepts Decide what data is needed to address specific problems or issues Design surveys and experiments to collect data Develop statistical models to analyze data Interpret data and draw conclusions to solve problems and inform business decisions The job market for statisticians is highly competitive. Most statisticians pursue undergraduate degrees in fields such as mathematics, economics, computer science, or other related fields. Although some entry-level positions will consider candidates with a bachelor’s degree, most statistician positions require a master’s degree in statistics or a related field. Information Security Analysts Another job field that is currently experiencing a lot of growth is information security analysts. Employment of information security analysts is expected to grow by 28 percent by 2026, making it one of the most attractive careers on the job market. Information security analysts typically work independently or with a small team to prevent, assess, and fight cyber attacks. This makes it an attractive career for introverts. An information security analyst can expect to have the following responsibilities: Monitor an organization’s networks for security breaches Install and use software that protects sensitive information Compile reports documenting security breaches and the extent of damage caused Develop standards and best practices for security Simulate attacks to look for vulnerabilities in systems Though there is high demand for information security analysts, the field is expected to remain competitive. A master’s degree in cybersecurity or an MBA with a concentration in information systems can help distinguish a prospective candidate from the pack. Operations Research Analyst Introverts looking for careers that involve using quantitative methods to help organizations solve complex problems should consider becoming an operations research analyst. The field is expected to yield high growth; current projections estimate 27 percent growth by 2026. Similar to information security analysts, operations research analysts typically conduct independent research while sometimes working in small teams. The job duties one can expect as an operations research analyst include: Collect and organize information from databases, sales histories, customer feedback, etc. Gather information from stakeholders to help solve issues Analyze this information and determine what is relevant to the problem at hand Use statistical analysis, simulations, or predictive models to develop solutions to complex business issues Compile reports and other documents explaining findings and providing solutions for problems Though a bachelor’s degree is often the minimum requirement for an entry-level position, many employers prefer to hire candidates with master’s degrees, due to the high-level analysis that the job requires. There are not very many operations research degree programs, so candidates typically hold degrees in a related field such as engineering, analytics, or mathematics. Software Application Developer Demand for software application developers is expected to grow by 24 percent, making it one of the fastest growing careers across all industries. This huge growth can be largely attributed to the widespread adoption of mobile devices, which are in constant need of new app development. Software application developers usually spend their days writing code, or managing a small team of programmers that write code. The job function of a software application developer includes the following responsibilities: Understand user needs and design, test, and develop software to meet the needs of the user Create models and diagrams that show programmers the code needed for an application Design the individual pieces of the application and ensure that they will work together Ensure that the application functions properly through testing and maintenance Recommend software updates for customers’ existing programs Most software application developers are required to hold a bachelor’s degree in a field such as computer science or software engineering. Like most professions, a master’s degree can make a candidate more qualified. Keeping up to date with new tools and programming languages is essential for any software application developer. Actuary Actuaries typically work for insurance companies to analyze the financial costs of risk and uncertainty. The actuary job market is expected to grow by 22 percent by 2026. Though the field is relatively small, the fast growth rate is something to keep in mind for prospective actuaries. Introverts have often gravitated toward this career as the job entails a considerable amount of independent work. Actuaries can expect to have the following responsibilities: Compiling statistical data and other information for analysis Estimate the probability and cost of an event such as death, sickness, accident, or natural disaster Design, test, and administer insurance policies, investments, pensions, and other business strategies Produce charts, tables, and reports that explain proposals and calculations Explain findings to executives, government officials, and shareholders Because the field is relatively small, the market for actuaries is extremely competitive. Actuaries need a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science, mathematics, statistics, or another related field. Actuaries may also need to pursue professional certifications. Though there are many careers that would be a fit for introverts, these five careers offer professionals a lot of room for growth. The challenge will be matching your skillset to the right career. Author: Tim Ufer Tim currently works with university graduate programs as a community outreach manager. Tim has developed a passion for career advancement and professional development. Tim’s expertise includes career advice, higher education, and entrepreneurship. Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Friday, March 6, 2020

ESOL Online Understanding Verb Tenses

ESOL Online Understanding Verb Tenses Daily ESOL Courses for Learning English: Marking Time with Tenses ChaptersBefore Delving into the TopicDoing it Like Other TonguesWhy Time Descriptions Are Not Needed in EnglishGetting Back to That DebateSome languages around the globe do not require verb tenses to show when an action happens. Nor do they demand a different verb form for each specific pronoun.Afrikaans, Scandinavian languages and Mandarin Chinese are just a few languages whose verbs do not change form, either in conjugation or for any tenses.Is your native language among those whose verb forms don't change, no matter the subject or the time the action occurred? If so, the need to constantly alter the verb when speaking and writing English must be bewildering, especially because there are several ways to mark time in the English language.We'd like to explore them with you.Time descriptors are not necessarily needed in English Source: Pixabay Credit GeraltRegardless of any possible ulterior motive, the one teaching English to you is absolutely correct: language nuance exists within t he context of what is written or being said.The information you can find  through context includes when actions happen, and the general tone or mood of the piece.We will discuss mood in our next section. Verb tenses are the best indicators of time in the English language.Consider the three simple tenses: past, present and future. Using one or the other to describe when an action happens provides the reader/listener with enough information to determine the timing of the action or event.Perhaps that is why so many people who are learning English as a foreign language content themselves with using only the three simple tenses.However, verb tenses go further to give a broader picture - more context.The progressive tenses indicate something currently happening (until the action was interrupted).The continuous tenses signal something ongoingThe perfect-progressive tenses give emphasis on the result of an action.Verb tenses help the speaker/listener give actions definitive time frames. Set ting the MoodIn English, verb constructions can be used to set a mood â€" a tone that gives further meaning to a sentence or paragraph.There are a total of five moods, but here, we focus on only one: the subjunctive mood.This type of phrasing is usually found in more formal English constructions. You might have read a sentence like this:To gain fluency in the language, it is recommended that the English learner practise speaking skills daily. Subjunctive mood uses: a dependent clause + passive voice + conjunction + independent clause (with modified verb, to suit the mood)Typically used verbs for this construction include: suggest, demand, insist, recommend, and ask.Can you write a subjunctive mood sentence?Learn more about English Grammar Clauses in our dedicated blog.A Note on Passive VoiceSubjunctive mood sentences include the use of a passive voice clause, as shown above. What is meant by passive voice?This sentence construction puts the focus of the phrase on the object, rather than on the subject.Today's English lesson was taught by Mr. Smith â€" passive voice.Standard English sentences call for focus on the subject, like so:Mr. Smith taught today's English lesson.Active voice is a much more direct way â€" the recommended way to express oneself in English.We will discuss passive voice in depth in our next Daily Dose of English Learning article.Getting Back to That DebateEarlier in this article, we mentioned that grammaticians of British and American English are hotly debating whether verbs in English actually use any tenses  at all.The general consensus seems to be that English only uses two tenses: past and present.English linguists are hotly debating whether the English language has verb tenses Source: Pixabay Credit: GeraltIn fact, that agreement extends to the belief that fewer than half of the world's languages actually use clearly defined tenses, as opposed to aspects.What does that matter to you, who is taking English courses in London? Not much, o ther than you will most likely have to recognize and identify verb tenses on any English test you take.Developing your English skills should be less a matter of books and theory, and more a proposition of speaking the language as much and as often as possible. Although an understanding of English grammar is most certainly important, it is not necessary to know every single aspect and rule in order to speak everyday English.In fact, the more you speak, the more the language constructs will naturally come to you, with no special effort on your part.To truly improve your English, we suggest that you focus on your English pronunciation and vocabulary, learn to use English words in proper context, develop strong writing skills and overall literacy, in addition to your grammar lessons.What mood is that sentence written in?If you don't have time to take face to face lessons you can also learn English online with a tutor.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

6 Things ALL Great Musicians Should Have

6 Things ALL Great Musicians Should Have Suzy S. As a budding musician, you already know that reaching your goals requires a quality instrument to practice on, a positive mindset, and a commitment to hard work. But beyond the obvious equipment, there are several things some of them intangible that can make a big impact on your progress. Heres our list for success: 1. A practice log or journal. A practice log is absolutely essential to your success!  Keeping track of what youve been working on, what your next goal is, and what you need to practice to get there will help you avoid idle, ineffective practice sessions.  For TakeLessons students, your teacher will complete a journal entry after each lesson, which can be viewed in your online account.  Some teachers may encourage you to keep a written journal, as well.  Either way, your journal is an invaluable tool for staying on track at all times. 2. A great teacher. No matter how much natural talent you think youre born with, every successful musician has a great teacher behind them at some point. With a trained ear and professional experience, a great teacher will be able to help you focus on your goals, recognize bad habits you might be overlooking and best of all, will keep you motivated and having fun! (Dont have a great teacher yet? Search for a teacher near you and book your timeslot with TakeLessons!) 3. Sheet music (and an understanding of how to read it). Sheet music or guitar tabs are a given, but its the latter part that is a controversial topic for some musicians.  Is learning how to read music really necessary? We say yes.  With an understanding of music theory and how chords are created, your skills as a musician will improve drastically.  Youll be able to improvise easier, improve your sight reading and ear training abilities, and ultimately increase your options as a professional musician (imagine composing your own tune and having a large orchestra perform it!). (Having trouble getting the sheet music you need?  Here are our favorite resources for finding sheet music online.) 4. A metronome. Practicing with a metronome albeit a bit  monotonous will help you a ton as you are learning difficult time signatures, mastering tough passages in your music, and learning to play faster and more efficiently.  Dedicate a portion of your practice time to the metronome, and you may find yourself hitting the notes with much better accuracy. Using a metronome is especially important for learning jazz styles and other syncopated rhythms. 5. Recording device. Recording and listening to yourself is helpful for all musicians, from brass players to singers.  Similar to the role of a teacher, listening from a third person point of view can help you determine areas that need more practice and other subtle nuances.  Note: This doesnt mean you need to run out and buy expensive recording equipment; many mobile phone apps and computer programs, such as Garage Band, have recording and playback abilities. 6. Inspiration. Alright, so this one may seem like a bit of a stretch, but it is something all great musicians needs to have.  Without inspiration, your practice sessions will become dull, and your motivation may decline. But the good news?  Inspiration can come from anywhere.  So listen to music whenever you can, and listen to every genre.  Keeping your creativity intact can be especially difficult if music is a side hobby, so make sure you continue stimulating that creative side at every opportunity. Suzy S., TakeLessons staff member and blogger Havent subscribed to our email list yet?  Get even more insider tips and music advice, straight to your email inbox!  Subscribe here! You might also like Stop Stressing: 3 Remedies for Musical Frustration How to Audition Like the Pros: 5 Secrets Excel at Music By Acting Like a Child Photo by Finding Josephine.

How Can I Best Help My Childs Private Tutor

How Can I Best Help My Childs Private Tutor Top Tips For Successful Private Home Tuition ChaptersKnow Your Child's NeedsCheck They Have The Tools For The JobSet A GoalTime It RightBe Supportive Work With The TutorAllowing FlexibilityBe HonestRespect Their ScheduleSupporting your child’s learning by hiring a tutor to is a great idea. A private tutor is committed to guiding your child onto the path to achieving their full potential. They support your child in the skills that they need to become a very best that they can be.Private tutors have a broad reach, they can teach from the national curriculum academic tutoring subjects such as math, science, humanities or geography. Or they can work with you on languages, as a Mandarin or French tutor would do.They can prepare you for your GCSE exams or the entrance exams of secondary school, college or university. And that is not all personal tutors near me can help with homework, support with study skills, help you with reasoning or even preparing personalized and intensive study strategies for children who are studying outside of the traditional school system, such as homeschoolers.Tutoring has become so popular over the years, tutoring centres, certified teachers who tutor part-time, and online tutoring delivered by experts worldwide. Are all great options to turn to when your child is struggling, needs guidance for exams or just wants to maintain their knowledge.One of the strengths of tutoring is that you can easily find a tutor for anything that you would like to learn or improve. With the primary focus being student enrichment, they can work with your child one to one socially, personally and academically to get back on track.While the tutor's experience and skill will lay the path for how successful a private tutor is and how hard they work with your child to achieve their goals. Parents can work with the tutor to lay the foundation for this success, by supporting the tutor with some critical information, behaviours and clarity before beginning the one to one tutoring journey.Beginning the one to o ne tutoring journey positively.How Can You Support Your Private Tutor?We will highlight some great tips for how you can play your part in selecting and supporting your child's tutor and thus help your child to achieve their maximum potential from the process. These tips look at the role that the parent plays in the child's tutoring journey and how doing just a few things can make a massive difference to the outcome that the tutoring provides.Let get started!Before you are ready to hire a private tutor, you should be very clear about what you need the tutor for. Is your child struggling in school or are they falling behind or perhaps they have an exam or just need some help to maintain and apply their current knowledge. This will be important to share with the tutor before hiring them so that they can be sure if they have the correct skills for the outcomes that you are looking for. It is essential to be transparent with the tutor about why you have hired them and why they are needed .Talking to your child’s school teacher can help you with this, ask to see their evaluations, understand their strengths and weaknesses and overall comprehension in the classroom.Check They Have The Tools For The JobTo support your personal tutor and your child, ensure that you select the most qualified candidate for the position. Once you are clear about why private home tuition is needed, you can then start to look for the person who has the set of skills you need to accomplish the task. You should try where possible to find a tutor who specialises in the topic that your child needs help with.Of course, general personal tutors who cover a wide range of subjects are useful if your child needs help with more than 1 topic. But in any case, having a consultation with the chosen tutor and ensuring that the tutor is experienced in the required topics will support all involved to create a strong and favourable outcome for students.If you are unclear about what skills the tutor needs to bring success to your child speak with their academic teacher who can help you further.Set A GoalKnowing what outcome you want for your child is a crucial consideration in assisting your private tutor to help your child. If the tutor knows why they have been hired and what they are expected to achieve they will be able to reach the goals set out for them in a much more productive way.It will also be peace of mind for you as you could ask the tutor to provide you with a study plan or syllabus. Showing how they hope to achieve these goals and what resources they will use to get there. Giving the tutor a clear purpose and setting out your expectations of outcomes is one of the top ways to support the tutor to help your child.Consulting the national curriculum, your child's school or online sources for more detailed information about learning stages and what should be studied may be helpful.Learn more ways you can make the most of your child's tutoring sessions!Help your child to achie ve their maximum potentialWhether you are hiring 1 on 1 local tutors from your neighbourhood or a tutor online, you will need to schedule classes for your child when they will be most receptive to this further learning. If your child has been at school all day they might need a break or would they function best straight after school? It is crucial not to arrange tutoring sessions when your child is tired and disengaged.Tiredness will prevent them from achieving their maximum potential and make it more difficult for them to retain the information required to improve noticeably. If your child is too tired after school, you can try to find a tutor who works at the weekends and schedule classes then.Be Supportive Work With The TutorWhen the private tutor is working with your child, you must understand and respect their expertise. Creating a healthy communication between yourself and the tutor will help you to support your child better and thus allow the tutor to do their job more effici ently.Understanding the study plan that the tutor has for the session and how they aim to teach your child can go a long way in helping you to work with and support the tutor. For example, you can review the lesson with your child, and help them complete any homework that is set.Allowing FlexibilityAllow the tutor to communicate how to best tutor your child, give them the freedom to instruct your child to academic success. While you should be kept informed of progress be aware that everything takes time. Try not to ask the tutor for progress reports at every class.Agree with the tutor when you will get to discuss the progress of your child and stick with that. Also, allow the tutor to use the engaging techniques and resources that they have determined best to engage your child, these techniques or resources may not always appear to be the most direct method to your goals, but the tutor is experienced and understands how to support a child achieve their potential.Be HonestBeing hones t with the tutor that you have hired is very important as it will help to save time in the long run. If you tell the tutor that your child is good at things they are not good at and ask them to tutor your child on specific outcomes.The tutor could be missing out on vital information, this may dictate the study plan the tutor creates and thus the speed that your child will improve. Either allow the tutor to determine for themselves your child’s strengths and weaknesses or be honest and clear about what level your child is at. Backing this up with school reports and certified teacher feedback will be beneficial to the tutor.Being honest with the tutor also means not doing the homework for your child, if you are committed to the progress of your child, you must understand that getting it right is not the right way to improve. It is the process that the child has to go through, the connections that are made and the achievement of doing it themselves that counts for a lot.Also take a l ook at the possible pitfalls and successes brought by private tutoring...Respect Their ScheduleAny tutor that you choose is likely to be working with some other families, adults or students. It is essential to respect the time of the tutor if you hope for them to work with you long term and if you want to see the maximum improvement with your child.This means being on time and prepared for the lesson at the time that the tutor has given you. If the tutor is coming to your home, then the child should be ready to start the lesson at least 5 minutes before the start time. If the lesson starts 5 minutes late because your child is eating dinner or getting changed this is 5 minutes that you will lose for potential tutoring.The end time of the session is not a suggested end time but the time that the session will end. This allows the tutor to get to other meetings on time. To give your investment in private tuition the maximum chance of success, you must pay attention to the schedule. If y ou would like to get an update about progress, then it is always best to agree on a report schedule before starting to work with the tutor. Decide with them how and when you will be updated. The end of the session with your child may not always be the best time to have the discussion it will depend on their scheduling and availability.Support your child in improving skills that they enjoyWhile it may seem that the tutor's job is to start working with your child to get results as fast as possible on their own. The tutoring partnership is actually a 3 way one; The private tutor as the guide, the parents as the support and the child as the learner, All of these parties have to communicate, work together and dedicate themselves to playing their part. Committing to this partnership will maximise the potential for the child to succeed and lead themselves to achieve their best with confidence.To outline the scope and concepts of personal tutoring, you should read this guide...Happy Learnin g!

12 Collocations with the Preposition IN ?? - Learn English with Harry

12 Collocations with the Preposition IN ?? - Learn English with Harry Hi there, welcome back to Harrys English grammar lessons where Im trying to help you with the improving your overall English. So what are we going to talk about today? Well, were going to talk about collocations and in this case were using collocations with the preposition in. I N. So it can be used in many different situations.We can talk about time or periods of time, like in a month, uh, or in a particular month, like in December or in January, whatever it might be at the moment where in September just and were coming into October or it can be about a specific thing like a space.So you can find it in a box, you can find it in a drawer or you can find it in a wardrobe, a cupboard, wherever that might be.Or you might just be in your mind, youre just thinking about it and it doesnt really exist.Okay. So Ive got lots of that, these options for you and I go through them as I usually do one by one and Id give you some examples to help you. And these are really good because Ive selected these specifically for those who are practising  your written skills. They can be used in writing.You know, we have to practice our oral skills cause thats important and its about the communication. But in todays world, you know, were texting, were sending SMSs . We’re using Whats app, emails, whatever it might be. So we need to really practise our written English as well.So were going to go through these, as I said one by one with hopefully some good examples for you. 12 Collocations with the Preposition In Don't keep this to yourself, tell the world 12 Collocations with the Preposition In So the first one is IN ADDITION TOUsually in addition to is followed by the -ING format of the verb.In addition to writing, I would also like you to concentrate on something else.In addition to working for me, youre also going to have to report to my assistant. So you were using the -ING after that. So in addition to means extra additional work.   So in addition to means extra things that you have to do, in addition to.It is quite formal and also when were talking to people in spoken English, we might not always use it. But as I said to you, very important in your written English because we tend to be a little bit more formal when were writing.The next one  again is a little bit formal.  And again very specific for you practising  your written English IN ANSWER TO.So you often see this at the top of an email at the top of a letter when somebody introduced themselves they say:Well, in answer to your query of such and such a date.In answer to the question that you raised in our last m eeting In answer to the letter you sent me last week So it is very, very formal. So in answer to followed then with a reference to whatever the particular question that was raised. And the person in answer to is going hopefully to give you that particular answer.And the next one is IN ANY CASEIn any case, not necessarily specifically for writing. So somebody will use this in the verbal communication with you. In any case usually means, well, Ive told you about that, but this is what I think.And the next one, short IN BRIEF.In brief means, well, let me just summarize something. So at the end of a meeting, you have the people sitting around the table and you say, well, look in brief, this is what we need to do.  So thats in brief, keep something very short as opposed to the next one, which is IN DETAIL.So if you wanted to talk to somebody but in detail, then you go through it step by step, line by line. So they make sure that you make sure that they understand everything.  When we sta rt the meeting we might go into detail about last month meeting or the sales figures that werent so good or the business plan for the next year or the budget for the next year.  So you want to go through those things in detail, in a lot of detail.  So in brief, short, compact. In detail, a lot more.  And before I move on, just when youre using in detail, make sure that it is the single in detail.  Never in detailS.  Let me know the details. Thats perfect.   Tell me everything about it. What does it look like? I want to buy a car.   Well,  tell me the details, the price, the mileage, et cetera.  But when youre talking about them and meeting in detail,  means step by step. 12 Collocations with the Preposition In We continue learning English collocations with the preposition in. So the next one I have for you is IN EFFECT.And in effect means really?What it means is youll have to go back to that particular client and spell it out to him again. So really this is what I want you to do. Really. This is what it means. So in effect, and the next one is quite common.Im sure youve all heard of it IN FACT.And when we talk about in fact, we mean actually, yeah.In fact, what I mean is thisAnd the next one is IN GENERAL.In general means overall. Were not talking about something specific.Were talking about something a little bit more generalistic. In general, the people in the UK, are heavier than the people in Italy because they eat the wrong food. Its not the same.Everybody in the UK is heavier than everyone in Italy, but in general.And the next one is a really good one to use  IN MODERATION.People love to use this. Everything in moderation. Work in moderation, get work life balance, drinking in moderat ion, eating food in moderation. Dont drink too much, dont eat too much, dont work too much. Ah, in fact, dont do anything too much. Always do things in moderation and you get a nice balance in your life.The next one, we have two prepositions that we can use here IN ORDER OF, or IN ORDER TO.In order of, for example, in order of importance, so you rank things. Whats the most important?  In order to we can use, when we say, for example:In order to speed up administration, you no longer have to complete the form in triplicate.  So in order to achieve something, in order to cut down on the waking time, in order to make our service better.As I said before, in order of whatever it might be.Earlier on we spoke about in general.In general, which you said something not so specific. Now we have another one IN PARTICULAR.This is the exact opposite. So when you want to be really specific, you refer to something in particular.In particular, your second paragraph on the first page where you mentio ned.And the last one I have on this list is IN THEORYOh this is a wonderful expression because people love this. They know they dont have to be specific or they dont have to do it in practice.Well in theory, yeah youre right. But it never works that way. Oh, in theory this is what we meant. But in reality we do it another way. Thanks for listening and thats it for today. Collocations with the preposition IN.If you want to join me, you can get me on www.englishlessonviaskype.comWhen you get there, youll find a link to our wonderful Easy Peasy English Club, which is a great way for you to:improve your written Englishyour spoken Englishyour pronunciationand overall boost your confidence in using English in generalSo join me again soon.

Adjectives to describe Feelings in English - Improve your English Skills

Adjectives to describe Feelings in English - Improve your English Skills Feelings and emotions are part of all of our lives. How we react to situations and events is  demonstrated through our feelings. How can we describe feelings in English? Here are some English adjectives to describe feelings. English Adjectives to Describe Feelings The following are is a list of adjectives to describe feelings and some emotions that we experience in  our everyday lives. I have given a meaning and a synonymous word with a similar meaning that you  can also use.RELAXEDMeaning: this describes the feeling when you have nothing to do or do not want to do anything but sit lie back and rest.ex. I decided to have a lazy day. I made a pot of hot coffee, I got my book I sat on  the sofa put my feet up and relaxed. An alternative word is LAID BACK.ex. He is a very laid back (relaxed) person he never gets stressed.NERVOUSThis is used to describe a situation when we cannot relax we have something on our  mind.ex. We are thinking of work or problems with the family. I was very nervous all day. My son was  taking an important examination and I was not sure if he had studied hard enough  beforehand (in preparation).An alternative word is ANXIOUS.ex. He was very anxious as he waited for  the results of his examination. Adjectives to Describe Feelings - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: PLEASEDWe use this to describe when we are happy with something or somebody or in the way  something has turned out (occurred).ex. The results of the exams were published recently. My son  passed the examination with honours which meant he could get his place in college. I was pleased  with the result. An alternative word would be CONTENTED.ex. The results were good I could relax I was  very contented at last.EMBARRASSEDThis is used to describe how we feel when we do something stupid or silly and we  look a little foolish.ex. I went into the hotel and when it was time to leave I tried to open the security  door by mistake. The alarm sounded and everybody was looking at me. I was very embarrassed.An alternative word to use is MORTIFIED.ex. I was mortified when I looked in the mirror and realised I  had forgotten to shave. I looked like a tramp!STRESSEDWhen we are working hard or anxious about some family or personal matters we become  stressed.ex. I had been working long hours for sev eral months without a break. I needed a holiday I was  completely stressed. An alternative word is WORRIED.ex. I was worried for weeks. I had not been paid at  the normal time and my rent was due.   How to Describe Feelings in English CALMthis    word is used to describe a person or place or situation which is peaceful and quiet  without stress.ex. Everyone around him was stressed about the test. He was very confident that he had  done his work. He had slept well and felt confident. He was calm and relaxed. An alternative word is SERENE.ex. The hotel was situated in the perfect place. Near the sea surrounded my beautiful gardens  with no noise. It was totally serene.FRUSTRATEDWhen something does not work properly or we can not figure out a problem quickly  enough we get frustrated or annoyed.ex. I like crossword puzzles but sometimes I get stuck (cannot  work out the answer) and get frustrated until the answer comes to me (I think about it). An  alternative word is BAFFLED.ex. I was baffled by the problem for days. I thought the answer would be  easy to find. Eventually I managed to work it out but it was frustrating.Now you know 14 adjectives to describe feelings in English. And as always dont forget to practise new words in your English conversation, this way you will easily remember them.CURIOUSMeaning: to be keen to know what is happening or to get answers to questions we have about events taking placeex. He was very curious to know what was happening in the house on the other side of the street. Police had been coming and going all morning and a few cameramen were their also. He decided to go and ask them what was going on. Adjectives for Feelings - Infographic SCAREDMeaning: to feel frightened, to be alarmed, to panicex. The lights went out in the street and it was completely dark. She was very scared as she still had approx. 2km to walk alone before she arrived home.JEALOUSMeaning: to feel unhappy because someone has got something that you wantex. She was very jealous of her friend. Her friend had a new job a better car and now had just announced her engagement.We can also use ENVY (ENVIOUS)GREEN WITH ENVY is a popular idiom.DISAPPOINTEDMeaning: to feel unhappy when everything does not go to plan or something you expect to happen does not occurex.  He was extremely disappointed when his   did not arrive for dinner. He had not met him for some months and had cooked a special meal.CONFUSEDMeaning: to feel uncertain when no one knows what is happening or going on.ex. Everyone was extremely confused in the airport. The electronic notice board was blank and the gate numbers were no longer visible. Everybody was trying to find out which direct ion they should take.PROUDMeaning: to feel happy when you have or someone close to you has achieved something specialex. His son was the outstanding player in the team. He scored the first goal and made some outstanding tackles. He was very proud when he was presented with the “man of the match” award.